Pathfinder 2E - Advice for a 5E DM moving to PF2E

August 2024 ยท 2 minute read
One of things that's not immediately obvious when building a character, but which has (IME) an outsized effect on player enjoyment, is making sure the character have a variety of attractive options for what to do with their third action (after casting their 2-action spell/cantrip, after attacking twice, or using a 2-action ability).

For example, for a caster, it's fun to have choices for your third action like: take a shot with your shortbow, cast a Shield cantrip to boost your defense, or Recall Knowledge. But, of course, for these to be attractive options, you need to invest in them a bit: you need to make sure you have a decent Dex and shortbow proficiency, the Shield cantrip, and good knowledge skills.

For another example, for a Ranger, it's fun to have choices for your third action like: raise a shield, Demoralize your opponent, or command your animal companion. But again, for these to all be attractive options, you need to invest in them a bit: get the Shield Block feat (if your class doesn't give it to you), invest in Intimidation and have a decent Charisma, and go for the animal companion line of feats.

Anyway, I've found that having at least three attractive third action options is a sweet spot, and something worth encouraging your players to do.
