With his debut film “Mathu Vadalara”, young hero Srisimha Koduri, who happens to be the younger son of music legend MM Keeravani, has delivered a stunning performance. That led him high on the pedestal but the choice of films he is picking up from there is not taking this youngster anywhere.
After that debut hit, Srisimha has now come up with two films, Tellavarithe Guruvaram and Dongalunnaru Jagrathha, and both ended up as disasters at the box office. Other day the first look of another film of Srisimha, “Ustaad” got released, and tomorrow the first look of another film is getting ready to hit the market. Well, what’s the use of signing back-to-back films rather than choosing films that could workout for him?
The likes of Sandeep Kishan, Adi Pudipeddi, and many other heroes amassed a name with their couple of initial films, but that led them to sign a dozen movies that didn’t do well. Picking up quantity over quality only makes the leading man lose the market, and thereby kills the enthusiasm of the audience to watch their films.
If at all, Srisimha chose films that have good content, that’s fine, otherwise, he is making a huge mistake by rushing like this. Maybe he should find a big director to work with such that his position will be cemented here, isn’t it?
Tags Srisimha